Trash in Our Creek

by Nashat

Lots of people put trash in our creek. This can affect our creek in many ways. One reason is that if people put plastic bags or any other types of trash in our creeks it will sail into the ocean, and some fish think that those plastic bags are their food, and then they eat it, which is very bad. Also, when people are washing their cars and they’re using soap, sometimes the soap has chemicals, and some of those chemicals go into the creek and down into the ocean, and some of the sand crabs living down there eat it. It actually doesn’t affect them, but birds that eat them, such as pelicans, can be harmed. Pelicans stand on their eggs they don’t sit on them, and when they eat those chemicals (DDT) their eggshells are not hard. When they try to stand on them, the eggs become squashed. Just because of this, one whole species of pelicans almost died out. Long ago, the Native Americans could drink from the creek water. That was because in that time the creek wasn’t contaminated. Today we can find soda bottles, steel, plastic bags, and paper in our creek. These trashes have damaged our creek in many ways, and will eventually affect the ocean.

Water Chemistry Results Winter 2011

Use the following link in order to view our water testing results from Winter of 2011. It is easy to see that the water is cleaner upstream than downstream.

Winter 2011 Results