Anacapa Island May 11, 2012

We joined Channel Islands Restoration on a trip to Anacapa Island for the day. On our way out to the island we saw a mother and calf Humpback Whale and a huge pod of Common Dolphin. Once on the island we hiked, observed thousands of nesting Western Gulls, watered plants in restoration areas, and did some trail work. Ken Owens of CIR did a great job orienting and introducing us to this special place.

Goleta Beach Cleanup

Our plans for restoration work at another site fell through so we went to Goleta Beach at the slough entrance. It was a great opportunity to review what we are learning and what we can do to help keep our oceans clean. We can...

1. Pick up trash that ultimately makes its way to the ocean.
2. Restrict and limit the use of pesticides, fertilizers and car wash detergents.
3. Teach others about what they can do, especially our parents.
4. Do restoration work.
5. Keep learning.

We then picked up a lot of trash!

Pacific Mole Crab Study, May 2012

We found quite a few recruits this time around. These are Pacific Mole Crabs that are less than 10mm long. At times they were crawling all over our feet. In addition we found one Blepharipoda occidentalis (Spiny sand crab). It was truly huge, with a carapace of about 55mm. Great Day!