Planting Natives at Growing Solutions

We have worked with Growing Solutions on habitat restoration at the Goleta Slough several times this past year. We have worked in the nursery transplanting "baby" plants, done seed dispersal, planted adult plants in a planned restoration, and visited a premier restoration site. Great work!

Growing Solutions is a restoration organization that works near the airport.  They are working on the restoration of the Goleta Slough.  We planted seeds into the one gallon buckets, then put them into the kiddie pools.  Plants that like water need to live in the wetlands.  Some like salt.  Sloughs are really important because they are like a filter for things that get caught in there.  It is also a nursery for fish and birds.— Addie and Sarah Jane

Pacific Mole Crab Study

We have been collecting data concerning the Pacific Mole Crab at Goleta Beach as part of the LiMPETS program. This is monitored by NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuaries. The Pacific Mole Crab, sand crab, are a great indicator species, giving loads of information concerning the health of the ocean environment.

We went to Goleta Beach to study Pacific Mole Crabs. They can get up to 2 inches long. They drink water which have sometimes has poisons in it.  Fish eat the crabs.  Birds eat the fish and if the crabs have poison, the fish will die.  They are an indicator species. — Cayden

Creek Monitoring at HBP

We tested the water quality of our adopted creek, Maria Ygnacio Creek, right behind the school. Because of the great rains last year there is still quite a good flow of water. Overall the water in the creek is pretty healthy for the plants and animals who depend upon it.